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- G4C
- ;
- ; April '97 by Brian Jones
- ; XPK packing and unpacking gui for D. Keletsekis' Dir.gc
- ;
- ; This gui needs xpack (from the XPK distribution in the c drawer)
- ; in C:
- ; Passwords are supported but not well trapped, if something won't
- ; unpack it probably needs a password (but it won't tell you).
- ; Also, not all xpk sub-libraries support password encoding so
- ; if you are trying to apply a password and it won't work the
- ; sub-library probably can't use one.
- ;
- WINBIG -1 11 486 174 "Choose Packer -- Reload to get new files"
- WinType 11110001
- nofontsense
- varpath dir.gc
- xOnLoad
- xid = $$lv.id
- xdir = $$lv.dir
- gosub dir.xpack startup1 ;load the listviews
- gosub dir.xpack startup
- run 'resident c:xpack pure add'
- xOnReload
- xid = $$lv.id
- xdir = $$LV.DIR
- gosub dir.xpack startup1
- gosub dir.xpack startup
- xOnClose
- GuiQuit dir.xpack
- xOnQuit ;cleanup
- run 'resident xpack remove'
- ;The Listviews
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- XLISTVIEW 174 19 160 129 "" rawcmprsr "LIBS:Compressors" 0 DIR ;see note
- GadID 1 ;below
- XLISTVIEW 5 16 150 146 "" cmprsr "" 0 TXT
- GadID 2
- update dir.xpack 4 $cmprsr
- XLISTVIEW 161 32 320 131 "" xfile "" 10 MULTI
- GadID 3
- ;The Gadgets
- ;------------------------------------------------------
- TEXT 3 1 150 13 "RAKE" 100 BOX
- GadID 4
- XHSLIDER 54 159 64 12 "Mode?" xmode 0 100 100 "%ld%%"
- GadID 5
- XCYCLER 161 1 80 13 "" xchoice
- GadID 6
- CStr Pack pack
- CStr Unpack unpack
- gosub dir.xpack makegui
- XBUTTON 404 1 77 13 "GO!"
- GadID 7
- lvuse dir.xpack 3
- lvgo #0
- xfile = $$lv.rec
- xcount = 1
- if $xchoice = pack
- appvar cmprsr '.'
- appvar cmprsr $xmode
- endif
- if $xpass = ""
- psswrd = ""
- else
- psswrd = PASSWORD
- endif
- guiwindow dir.xpack wait
- xpercent == $xcount * 100
- xpercent == $xpercent / $xfilecount
- update dir.xpack 10 $xpercent
- Launch 1 'xpack $xfile $xmthd $cmprsr $psswrd $xpass ALL QUIET'
- XBUTTON 324 1 77 13 "CANCEL"
- GadID 8
- guiClose dir.xpack
- XBUTTON 244 1 77 13 "Reload"
- GadID 9
- xid = $$lv.id
- xdir = $$LV.DIR
- lvuse dir.xpack 3
- lvclear
- gosub dir.xpack startup
- GAUGE 162 158 319 13 IN RIDGE 2 0 0
- GadID 10
- XTEXTIN 244 16 157 14 "Password " xpass "" 100
- GadID 11
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------
- xOnReturn 1 ;continuation of processing if there is more
- lvuse dir.xpack 3 ;than one file.
- counter xcount inc 1
- if $xcount <= $$lv.total ; not the end of the lv
- xpercent == $xcount * 100
- xpercent == $xpercent / $xfilecount
- update dir.xpack 10 $xpercent
- lvgo next
- xfile = $$lv.rec
- Launch 1 'xpack $xfile $xmthd $cmprsr $psswrd $xpass ALL QUIET'
- else
- guiwindow dir.xpack resume
- update dir.xpack 10 0
- setwintitle dir.xpack 'Finished - Choose new files or quit'
- lvuse dir.gc $xid
- lvdir refresh
- endif
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------
- xroutine startup ;setup of the list of files to be packed
- setscreen dir.xpack $*SCREEN ;or unpacked
- xfilecount = 0
- lvuse dir.gc $xid
- lvmulti first
- if $lv_file = ""
- ezreq "How's about choosing\nsome files first ?" 'Oh yeah..' ""
- stop
- endif
- while $lv_file > ""
- extract lv_file ext tempinf
- if $tempinf != ".info" ;;this is a filter for .info files so
- counter xfilecount inc 1 ;they won't be packed and become
- lvuse dir.xpack 3 ;unreadable
- lvadd $lv_file
- lvuse dir.gc $xid
- endif
- lvmulti next
- endwhile
- setgad dir.xpack 1 HIDE
- guiopen dir.xpack
- xRoutine startup1 ;set up of the list of xpk sub-libraries.
- xchoice = pack ;this expects a normal xpk installation
- xmthd = METHOD ;(Libs:Compressors) if not, change the
- cmprsr = RAKE ;place that listview 1 looks for the
- xmode = 100 ;sub-libraries (see listviews section
- psswrd = "" ;above)
- xpass = ""
- lvuse dir.xpack 2
- lvclear
- LVuse dir.xpack 1
- LVdir all
- lvmulti first
- while $rawcmprsr > ""
- tempcmp = $$LV.REC
- cutvar tempcmp CUT CHAR 3 dummy1
- cutvar tempcmp CUT CHAR -8 dummy2
- lvuse dir.xpack 2
- lvadd $tempcmp
- lvuse dir.xpack 1
- lvmulti next
- endwhile
- xroutine makegui ;this could be easier if I put the
- if $xchoice = pack ;xpk libraries list on the right
- setgad dir.xpack 2 show ;instead of the left but I like
- setgad dir.xpack 4 show ;it better that way
- setgad dir.xpack 5 show
- changearg dir.xpack 3 0 161
- changearg dir.xpack 6 0 161
- changearg dir.xpack 7 0 404
- changearg dir.xpack 8 0 324
- changearg dir.xpack 9 0 244
- changearg dir.xpack 10 0 162
- changearg dir.xpack 11 0 244
- changegad dir.xpack 0 -1 11 486 174 ""
- setwintitle dir.xpack "Choose Packer -- Reload to get new files"
- xmthd = METHOD ;reset some stuff now that we're back in
- xmode = 100 ;pack mode
- update dir.xpack 5 100
- if $cmprsr = ""
- cmprsr = RAKE
- endif
- else
- setgad dir.xpack 2 hide
- setgad dir.xpack 4 hide
- setgad dir.xpack 5 hide
- changearg dir.xpack 3 0 2
- changearg dir.xpack 6 0 2
- changearg dir.xpack 7 0 245
- changearg dir.xpack 8 0 165
- changearg dir.xpack 9 0 85
- changearg dir.xpack 10 0 4
- changearg dir.xpack 11 0 85
- changegad dir.xpack 0 -1 11 326 174 ""
- setwintitle dir.xpack "Unpack -- Reload for new files"
- xmthd = "" ;these are not needed in decompress mode
- cmprsr = "" ;
- endif
- redraw dir.xpack